AurEx Air/Bass Enhancer Colour
- Full Kit
- Step by Step Guide
- Supported
- $50 Repair Policy
- Beginner
The AurEx Colour is two effects processors in one: a high-frequency enhancer, and a low-frequency maximizer.
The AurEx’s high-frequency mode brings out clarity and presence without detail as much gain as a traditional EQ. It does this by generating high-end harmonics and then mixing these back with the original signal. Use it to bring out the shimmer of a dull acoustic guitar, increase the presence of a vocal, add the missing attack to a bass, and lots more.
The low-frequency mode adds punch and focus to the bottom end of your tracks. Frequencies below 80Hz are sent to a saturation circuit and then mixed with the dry signal. Use it to make kicks and bass plucks simultaneously thicker and tighter with compression and saturation.
The amount of each mode is adjustable via trim pots on the circuit board. You can disable one mode and just use the other, or dial in a mix of both. The amount of saturation for each mode is controlled by the Colour knob on the front panel of your Palette.
- Two effects in one: high-frequency enhancer and low-frequency maximizer
- Both modes are adjustable from 0-50% mix with the dry signal
- Compatible with the Colour format
- Full, step-by-step assembly instructions and support