Eisen Audio

TM79 Multi-Stage Saturation Colour


Eisen Audio is a Brooklyn-based, high-end audio design firm whose credits include the DIY500 preamp and designs for Purple Audio, AwTAC, and NonLinearAudio. The TM79 is a new analog saturation design from Eisen released exclusively for the Colour format. Instead of attempting to replicate a particular vintage design, the TM79 draws its inspiration from various technologies and textures found on classic records of the 1970s. Every component and circuit element has been carefully chosen by ear in pursuit of "That 70's Tone."


What the Pros are Saying

"The Eisen Audio TM79 ... was one that I kept coming back to. It does clever pre and post-emphasis filtering that results in nice, usable multiband saturation. For example, it crunches up vocals nicely but leaves sibilant esses in check."

-Scott Evans
TapeOp Magazine

Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
Craig McCray

TM79 Multi-Stage Saturation Colour

Underrated, awesome

These are great, I think the level loss from dual transformer saturation/hysteresis can throw some people off, but don't be fooled - these are some of the best colours you can get

Eric Hernandez
2 Stage are better than 1

Getting 2 saturation layers for 75$ is such a good deal. I've come to learn it's not so much the saturation type but the amount of layers in the whole process.

Angelo Belias
Had to build another one...

I really like the colorization of the TM79, I had to build another one for my Colour rack for stereo processing

Richard Vandiver
The missing link?

Back in the late 80’s I had a fostex four track and me and my buddies would pump out some good old garage band rock and roll and record it. The music wasn’t great, and neither was our equipment but somehow that little four track had some magic that digital didn’t. Since the 90’s I had gone completely digital, and while I appreciated much of the convenience of that format, I always missed that old magic. I’ve built a Colour duo and several colour modules and I can now say, at least for me. DIYRE’s products have helped bring back that ephemeral missing link. The TM79 is a great colour that adds a little energy, a little grit, and a little bit of life to my tracks. Highly recommended.

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