We're restocking! Most kits will be back in stock by mid-March. Thanks for your patience.


"Explain Like I'm 5": Why Is Pro Audio Gear So Expensive? February 27, 2015 17:17

Sticker shock is a common malady in the recording world. It takes a lot of money to outfit and maintain a studio. But why?

What are the factors that drive the price of professional recording gear?

Why does gear cost so much more than the sum of its components?

Are the prices justified, or is someone getting ripped off?

In this month's podcast, Peterson and Chris discuss what goes into the cost of a piece of gear, and how you can short-circuit some of these costs by doing it yourself.

Download the mp3 or subscribe via iTunes

"Explain Like I'm 5": Filters January 29, 2015 14:32 3 Comments

How do filters work?

As audio engineers, we use filters every day. We're all intimately familiar with high-pass, low-pass, band-pass, shelf, etc. filters. But how do they actually work in analog gear?

The basic operating principles of analog filters are actually very simple. In this quick (10 minute) podcast, Peterson and Chris explain the very basics of high-pass and low-pass filters so that any 5-year-old could understand.

Download the mp3 or subscribe via iTunes

View the circuits we discussed in the podcast on Upverter: